About Us
Domire sleep sound apparatus is our main product refers to relative theories of modern biomedical technology, micro-electronic technology, and traditional Chinese acupuncture. Combining the overall analysis of traditional Chinese medical science. It stimulates special acupoints diffusely with micro current of specially designed wave form and frequency. These hormones play roles in adjusting many physical and psychological activities. Therefore, the symptoms of insomnia patients like dreaminess, early morning awaking and difficulty in falling asleep can be cured overall. In addition, the symptoms like dizziness, aprosexia, and worry caused by insomnia at the former night can also be relieved.
Company Profile
Year Company Established: |
2010-12-10 |
Annual Sales Amount: |
US$1 – 2.5 Million |
Total No. of Staff: |
51 – 100 People |
No. of R&D Staff: |
5 – 10 People |
No. of Engineers: |
5 – 10 People |
Export Ratio: |
21% – 30% |
OEM Services Provided: |
Payment Terms: |
T/T |
Business Type: |
Manufacturer, Service |
Quality Certificate: |
CE, ISO9001:2000 |
Main Export Markets: |
North America, Eastern Europe, Eastern Asia, Oceania |
Competitive Advantage: |
As the immaterial cultural heritage of the world, acupuncture incorporates the theory of Chinese traditional medicine and clinical practices of thousand years. The literature on 'acupuncture has a magical curative effect to insomnia' can be found in the "Huangdi neijing" ,dated approximately 2000 years ago.Currently, according to varies subjects ,including modern physiology